How To Change Jobs: Steps And Tips To Get It Right


Changing jobs is not a negative in itself. Most of the time it is something positive that contributes to enriching the career path. Today, the days of the "work for life" that our grandparents knew are far away.

The labor market is evolving, specialization is the current key to building a good professional career, and changing jobs or companies is something that is the order of the day.

It is clear that if we change jobs several times a year, something happens. It is not the usual thing, although frequent change when you start your professional career is. For this reason, today we are going to dedicate ourselves to exploring what steps you have to follow to change jobs and some extra tips.

Before starting, keep in mind that in times of a pandemic it is important to know how to find work through the Internet, so you must know the main tools at your fingertips, as well as what opportunities you have before you.

Steps to follow when changing jobs

cc We must face this stage of change with things very clear to be successful. You may think that you shouldn't think about a job change until you notice symptoms of fatigue, disinterest, that you know you can't get promoted, even things like mobbing ...

The first step is to question your current situation. That is, you should analyze your current work situation with some frequency. That is, ask yourself if you are happy in your job, if you feel fulfilled, if you see prospects in that company, if you think you will be able to progress through the ranks. If you answer no once or several times, you should look for a new job.

The second step is to get out of your comfort zone. This phrase seems very hackneyed, but it is still true. Sometimes we think we would be fine in a better job, but we do nothing because, being practical, we are fine. Plus, looking for a better job is a great job in and of itself.

Therefore, it is recommended that, first of all, you visualize your ideal job, the one in which you can exploit your abilities, your talents, and everything you know how to do well. Can't you identify those strengths of yours? So take a sheet of paper and write down your skills, aptitudes, and positive attitudes. Write 15, 20, or more. Once you write them, you have a long way to go.

The third step to take is always to take action. That is, do not stay only in the desire, but develop a plan with short, medium, and long-term objectives. Besides that, plan your movements: look for what types of work fit your profile, in which companies, what offers you can find; renew, or remake, or adapt your resume; prepare a cover letter; exercise your communication skills, especially verbal and non-verbal, to prepare for an eventual interview.

6 tips for changing jobs

Apart from everything you have to do yourself to change jobs, you must take care of other details that are no less important. Keep in mind that, by leaving one job for another, you are leaving a dynamic to join a new one and, surely, different.

The most important advice we can give you is to handle the job change as professionally as possible. Whatever the reasons for changing jobs, even if those reasons are for something negative. You have to leave things in order before leaving, and keep in mind that one thing is to change jobs and quite another is to leave slamming the door. The world of work can be very small.

Therefore, we give you a series of tips to achieve an optimal and, above all, respectful transition:

• Never criticize your previous position, or the company, or a colleague (or superior). Life takes many turns, and the different paths you take may lead you to meet again in the future with an old boss, or that old partner that you criticized and who is now, surprise, your new boss.

• Communicate your job change well. Once the decision is made, when initiating the change, you must inform your superiors and your colleagues in the department, or the team in which you work. But, for the rest of the communications, wait for the change to take effect. That is, before posting anything on social networks, wait for the new stage to begin.

• Write a goodbye email to your colleagues. It is almost the same case as the previous point, but, going back to how small the world of work sometimes is, writing to your colleagues in a personalized way gives you points as a person and as a professional.

• In your new position, find a mentor to help you with your job transition. It's a good way to get off to a good start and to work on relationships with your new colleagues.

• Set reasonable goals for the first few weeks after the job change.

• Enjoy!

Is it good to change a lot of work?

Like everything in life, virtue is always in the middle. And not everything is black or white, but there is a wide range of grays to live with. That said, changing jobs very frequently can be a sign of instability, or if it happens at a certain time, such as at the beginning of your professional career, it can mean something positive.

What is certain is that, if you change your job a lot, they will ask you the reasons for this dynamic. Make sure you answer honestly but have the answer already studied beforehand. To do this, it can help you to understand some negative perceptions in the face of many job changes:

• They may think that you are not qualified or that you are not responsible.

• They may think that you have no long-term perspective, no capacity for commitment.

• They may think that you haven't been able to specialize.

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